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Olin Library

Find Articles

The Olin Library provides access to millions of articles through . You can search an individual database, or use R-Search to simultaneously search almost all of our resources

R-Search for Articles

What is R-Search?

R-search is a unified discovery service developed by Ex Libris that could revolutionize how you search the library. Instead of choosing a database, searching that database, retrieving the articles and citations that interest you, then beginning the process all over again, R-search searches most of our full text journals, our catalog and a variety of other resources all at once.

The results set emphasizes available full text and items that are available locally. The interface is clean and gives you a variety of ways to limit and refine searches.

The Link Resolver

Olin uses a link resolver service that makes database searching at 91ÌƲ®»¢ both easier and more powerful. If one of our databases indexes an article but does not contain the full text, and the full text of the article is available in another one of our resources, the link resolver creates a link from the citation to the full article.

This service also works with searches in Google Scholar and will provide stable links to articles that can be included in Blackboard or course web pages.

Interlibrary Loan

If the library doesn't have access to an article you need, you can often get it through . Articles can be delivered to your account in .pdf format.

Article Access Problems

If you are having trouble accessing articles from off campus, you can .

You can find resources for a specific subject or discipline on our research guides.