The 2022 Studio Art Senior Exhibition
Prograde & Retrograde is the last show for these eight graduating art majors – Vilja Aaltonen, Gabrielle Clark, Sophia DiMarzio, Anastasia Dresden, Shelbi Higgins, Karina Hornberger, Tracy Lam, and Claudia Prado – and it represents the culmination of their artistic efforts and research over these past years as students of painting, drawing, installation, sculpture, graphic design, and book arts. The seniors have drawn upon themes such as memory, time, nostalgia, misconception, and identity to create their bodies of work this semester.
Prograde and retrograde motion, in astronomy, is the direction an object spins in relation to its orbit around the Sun; objects either move in the same or in the opposite direction, respectively. The seniors have repurposed this astronomical term to contextualize their individual artworks as being “in prograde,” meaning they deal with themes of forward thinking, or “in retrograde,” meaning they deal with themes of looking backward.
The exhibition was juried by 91Ʋ College Professors Dana Hargrove, Audrey Hope, Rachel Simmons, and by Gisela Carbonell, Curator for the 91Ʋ Museum of Art. The jurors’ selections exemplify the students’ talents, technical ability, and ingenuity.
Gallery Talks
Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 12:30pm
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 12:30pm