
Marianela de la Hoz, (Mexican, b. 1956), Fuí la Misma que Soy (I Was the Same as I Am) (detail), 2012, Egg tempera on board, 19 1/2 x 16 1/2 in., Courtesy of the artist
May 16–August 2, 2015

Marianela de la Hoz: Speculum-Speculari

Inspired by one of the Museum’s permanent collection paintings—Dweller on the Threshold by Arthur Bowen Davies, in which a woman is looking at her image in a mirror—this exhibition will include work by contemporary artist Marianela de la Hoz, along with Davies’s painting, to engage and reflect upon the ideas and meanings underlying two very suggestive and interconnected concepts: Mirroring and Thinking.

To think, means to reflect, and the mirror would serve as the primary object to talk about reflection in every possible meaning of the word. For this exhibition, the Davies painting will have a space of its own on a wall of the chosen gallery to give the painting the importance it deserves. In addition to approximately fifteen recent paintings produced by the artist, there will be five to eight mirrors with painted phrases that refer to reflection. With the mirrors, the artist aims to give the show movement, inviting the viewers to a more dynamic participation where they would be looking at the paintings and looking at themselves in the mirrors.

Born in Mexico City, Marianela de la Hoz has lived in San Diego for over ten years. She has exhibited widely in Mexico City and Southern California.

to view Marianela de la Hoz's insights on her work in this exhibition.

Marianela de la Hoz, (Mexican, b. 1956), Me voy a dedicar a ser santa (I am Going to Devote Myself to be a Saint), 2011, Egg tempera painting and mixed media assemblage, 12 2/5 x 12 2/5 x 1 4/5 in., Courtesy of the artist
Marianela de la Hoz, (Mexican, b. 1956), El Absurdo Monólogo entre Adán, su Imagen y su Semejanza (The Absurd Monologue between Adam, his Image and his Likeness) (detail), 2013, Egg tempera on panel, 30 x 36 in., Courtesy of the artist

Normal Hours of Operation:
Monday closed
Tuesday 10am–7pm
Wednesday-Friday 10am–4pm
Saturday-Sunday Noon–5pm

1000 Holt Avenue-2765
Winter Park, FL 32789