Community Standards & Responsibility
Community Standards & Responsibility recognizes that our students, like all of us, make mistakes. The competitive environment at 91ÌƲ®»¢, in which students want to excel both academically and socially, can sometimes lead to decisions and behaviors that students later regret. Through the Community Standards & Responsibility processes we hope to help students learn where they could have made different decisions and offer them strategies for making better choices should they face a given situation again.
The expectations and policies we have in place for our students flow from the philosophy of The Code of Community Standards. Our belief is rooted in themes of trust, respect, honesty, fairness, and responsibility. Community Standards believes that parents and families play an integral role in their student’s education and development, which is why we encourage parents and families to discuss these themes with their students. Parents and families can help us engage students in conversations about how they can be successful at 91ÌƲ®»¢, as well as in their life beyond 91ÌƲ®»¢.
If your student is involved with Community Standards & Responsibility, we encourage them to talk with you immediately upon finding themselves in a tough situation that may involve violation of a College policy. We have found that students are often fearful to talk with their parents and family about their situation because of the reaction they think they will receive. While parents and families will understandably be concerned about what may have happened, it is important that they show support to their student. Support can mean listening to their perspective or encouraging him/her to accept responsibility for the role he or she played in a situation. Support can also mean knowing about the campus resources 91ÌƲ®»¢ has to offer its students. Community Standards strongly encourages parents and families to become familiar with the student support services at 91ÌƲ®»¢, as well as understand how their students can access these services and resources. Some important student services and resources can be found below:
- The Office of Campus Safety – 407.646.2999
- Community Standards and Responsibility – 407.691.1790
- Student Outreach and Resource Center – 407.646.2345
- Wellness Center – 407.628.6340
- The Dean of Students Office – 407.646.2345
- The Office of Accessibility Services – 407.975.6463
- The Office of the Title IX Coordinator – 407.691.1773
A common reaction from parents and families is that their student could not have possibly engaged in the behavior of which they are accused. Or, at worst, the behavior of their student was unintentional and simply a mistake. We strive for a fair and thorough process in determining the extent to which a student was involved in a situation. Intent – or lack thereof – is most often considered not in a determination of responsibility, but in a determination of the learning action plan or sanctioning. The college has high expectations for its students, and this includes seeking appropriate help when facing a difficult decision.
Community Standards understands that it may be difficult for parents and families to know when to step in and when to empower their student, and sometimes the best support families can provide – and the most growth-enabling for their student – is to support him or her while he/she works with College processes to resolve the situation at hand. Community Standards is happy to address questions or concerns parents and families may have, but we encourage them to speak with their student to exchange information firsthand.
Parental Notification
The Office of Community Standards & Responsibility is obligated to follow guidelines outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) when releasing information to parents. We encourage students to speak with their parents when they are involved in the educational conference or hearing process. Your son or daughter can sign a release of information form on Foxlink, which gives us permission to discuss disciplinary matters with you. FERPA allows for us to notify parents if their student is found responsible for violating either the alcohol or illegal substances policy and are under the age of 21 at the time of the notification. This notification will typically be done via an email sent to the student's parent or legal guardian at the email address we have on file for them.
If you have questions or concerns about your son or daughter, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to assist you in any way that we can. While we may not be able to share specific information with you about your son or daughter, we can provide general information about the educational conference or hearing process and offer suggestions for the best way to share your concerns and expectations with your son or daughter.
Frequently Asked Questions
These frequently asked questions address many of the questions we have received from parents. Please contact us if you have a question that is not answered below or if you would like additional information.
My student told me that they were involved in an incident and had been documented. What happens next? Your student will receive a letter via their 91ÌƲ®»¢ e-mail account with information on the Community Standards process and how to proceed. can be found here.
Will I be notified if my student violates College policy? We encourage students to speak with their parents when they are involved in the Community Standards process. We also encourage students to sign a release of information form on Foxlink, which gives us permission to discuss the incident with you. More information about parental notification and privacy law can be found under the Parental Notification tab on this page.
I received an email telling me that my student has been found responsible for violating the College's alcohol or illegal substances policy. How should I respond to this email? We hope that this email is not the first time that you are hearing about this incident. We encourage students to speak with their parents prior to the letter being sent home. It is our hope that you will discuss the incident with your student. This can be a good opportunity for you to speak honestly with your student about your expectations and support them in making responsible choices.
My student is going through the Community Standards process. How can I help them? We hope that you will speak with your student about the incident and encourage them to take responsibility for their actions. Your student will benefit from your support as they navigate the Community Standards process. We encourage you to let your student work through the process instead of offering to handle everything for them. This process is designed to be educational in nature and we have found that going through the process is a learning experience for most students.
Can I serve as an advisor in the hearing process? Students may have an advisor present during their hearing. Parents are able to serve as an advisor. The role of the advisor is to support the student; therefore, the student will be expected to answer all questions. If you would like more information about serving as an advisor to your student, please contact us.